Industry Professionals

There's more than one way to finance a home

RTO Homes:
Partners in Your Success

Our goal is to see more home sales complete. We provide flexible financing options to get your clients approved.

Close More Sales, Get More Referrals, Earn More Money With RTO Homes

Don’t let another sale get away from you because your client doesn’t qualify for a mortgage the first time around. Learn more about the RTO Home solution by reading our Buyer’s Guide which walks you through the process. Better yet, connect with us and we’ll show you how you can become more effective and profitable by adding our option to your suite of financing choices!

How RTO Homes Can Help Your Clients Buy Their Property When Other Options Fail

If you are a Mortgage Broker, Real Estate Agent or Immigration Consultant, you know the frustration of not being able to secure a mortgage for a client. You work hard to attract business, and as a commission-based professional, if they don’t succeed you don’t get paid. If the bank says no to a mortgage because of poor credit or no credit or insufficient income history, you can turn to RTO Homes for help.

Mortgage Brokers - Another Option for Clients Financing a Home

As a mortgage broker, you have a long list of banks and finance companies you can draw on for your clients. But what happens when the stipulations and credit requirements get in the way of a successful financing? That’s where RTO Homes comes in. We consider much more than just a credit history or rating. We are another tool you can use to get your clients into a home, or stay in the one they live in.

Real Estate Agents - Close Your Sale with RTO Homes

Losing a sale because your client can’t qualify for a mortgage is unfortunate. Losing a sale because you didn’t investigate all the options is avoidable. Don’t let all your hard work go to waste because financing the home doesn’t work out the first time. Not only will you secure the sale, you’ll also earn extra income through our referral program.

Immigration Consultants - Welcome Your Clients to Canada With a Yes

When your client decides to move to Canada, it’s like they have just been born – at least in the eyes of most Canadian financial institutions. With no history of payments, their credit score and income history starts from scratch. Needless to say, your client is unlikely to secure a mortgage at that point. RTO Homes sees it differently, and looks at the client’s total financial picture, including what will happen when they do arrive on our shores.