Rent to Own Partners
Vancouver Rent to Own is an alternative financing program introduced by Apex Western Homes in response to the ever-increasing difficulty in acquiring bank financing. The program has been approved by the Provincial Government and has successfully helped many people to move into their dream home. Find out Why and How you could become our exclusive Rent to Own Partners below.
Have you ever lost a deal because your client could not qualify for a bank mortgage and private mortgage rates are just too expensive? We are here to help you close more deals!
Unlike traditional financing, Vancouver Rent to Own is an alternative financing option for people with bruised credit, self-employed, new immigrant without financial history and those with insufficient down-payments etc. Instead of creating roadblocks, we work to build a clear path for your client.
Whenever you have a new client, Fill out the form below or Call us directly for the financing plan that suits your client!
Have you ever lost a deal because your client could not qualify for a bank mortgage? We are here to help you close more deals!
Vancouver-Rent-to-Own is here with a flexible mortgage program that could help you close the deals that you would normally have to let go. Consequently, you would be able to get the regular commission plus a gratitude fee from us. You will be compensated by the regular commission plus gratitude fee from us.
Whenever you have a new client, Fill out the form below or Call us directly for the financing plan that suits your client!
Vancouver Rent to Own is here to help international buyers purchase their homes without the 20% PTT premium. You would be the one who introduces our program to your clients. With every successful deal referred by you, you will receive a finder’s fee from us.
Call Us today for more Info!